Brexit: Do you employ EU Nationals?

Prevent any uncertainty with the UK Settlement Scheme

Brexit has been on the horizon for a while now, but staff and employers may still be feeling unsure about the impact that leaving the EU will have on business. While some businesses may be focussing on the impact that Brexit will have on their supply chain or sales routes, others might be considering the impact of Brexit on their staff, particularly if they employ EU Nationals.

You can support your staff by understanding their “settled” status and know what they need to do to apply, if they haven’t done so already.

Here’s our 2 minute guide to the UK Settlement Scheme.

What you need to know about the Settlement Scheme and Brexit

Know the “Settlement” Status?


A new ‘settled status’ for EU nationals dependent on their length of residency.

EU nationals who have accrued five years’ continuous residence in the UK by 31 December 2020 can apply for settled status.

This creates an indefinite leave to remain within the UK.

Pre- Settled

EU nationals who have arrived in the UK by 31 December 2020 but do not have five years’ residency can apply for “pre-settled” status.

They will be entitled to remain in the UK and build their residency up to the required five years, where they can then apply for settled status.

How to Apply

Settled status needs to be applied for and applications must be made by 30 June 2021.

The application form can be found at:


How to Gain Successful Settled Status

To successfully be granted ‘settled status,’ applicants need to provide proof of ID, information on their current living arrangements and confirmation of any previous criminal convictions.

The government has announced that the ‘default’ response to the applications is to allow status to be granted, with ‘clear reasons’ being provided for refusal.

Help for Employers

It is important to keep staff updated on the Settlement Scheme, to help prevent any uncertainty or concerns that may affect their work.

Danton HR are available to support you as you navigate the process, and the Home Office has produced an employer toolkit with step-by-step information and guidance.

You can access the toolkit here:

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