On the Horizon: HR Trends for 2022

The last two years have been filled with disruption and uncertainty but we’re hoping to reduce the number of reactive measures that we’ve helped businesses to implement over the course of the pandemic. Here’s some insider intel on what we can all expect to see and watch out for, as we continue into 2022.

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Raya Faye Marquez
The DANTON HR Guide to the Performance Development Review (PDR)

Performance Development Reviews can play an important role in an organisation’s people strategy and support their approach to hiring, motivating, and promoting employees. They can also be used when discussing pay reviews or to identify when performance management may be needed.

When PDRs are done well, they can support individual career development and help to develop an organisation.

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Nicola Roke
Our Guide to Achieving Work-Life Balance

As an HR team, we’ve experienced a multitude of working environments and understand the importance that work-life balance can have on your people.

If you can positively impact the work-to-home-life ratio, your people will feel less stressed and more motivated which will ultimately increase their productivity and reduce the risk of workplace conflicts.

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Nicola Roke
New Rules for Calculating Holiday Leave & Pay: A Guide from Danton HR

Until recently, holiday pay for staff who work variable hours has always been calculated using an average from the last 12 weeks that they worked. However, the guidance has now changed and since April 6th 2020, holiday pay must be calculated using an average over 52 weeks. We’ve put together the following guide, which outlines everything you need to know about calculating holiday pay.

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Settlement Agreements – Avoid the Pitfalls and Get it Right

Terminating employment can feel like a long, drawn out process and handling things incorrectly can lead to very costly tribunal claims. Settlement agreements can sometimes offer the solution. Managed well, they can support a clean break between employee and employer, allowing the employee to leave with dignity and respect and saving management time, relieving the headache and allowing you to focus.

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Preparing for Redundancy? Here are Our Top 20 Tips to Get You Started.

The Government has extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme until 31st October. Unfortunately it is inevitable, however, that some businesses will still be forced to reduce their workforce and make redundancies. We are here to support you should you need to make redundancies in your business. We’ve prepared our top twenty tips for handling redundancies:

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Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Updated - What You Need to Know

On Friday, Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced plans on how the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will operate from 1st August. We had been told previously that the employees could return to work part time and that employers would have to contribute towards salaries so employers were waiting to find out what those changes meant for them.

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Furlough and Annual Leave - Getting the Best for Your Business

Here at Danton HQ, we are getting lots of questions about furlough and annual leave. Now that the Government has extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme for a further month, some employees will now furloughed for up to four months. So, where does that leave employers and how can you manage holiday leave whilst getting the best for your business?

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